Ketika seorang pemuda menemui Rasulullah untuk meminta izin agar ia diperbolehkan berzina.
Tapi Rasul tak serta-merta marah, beliau justru mengajak pemuda tersebut untuk berempati.
“Bersediakah Engkau jika saudara perempuanmu dizinahi? Atau bagaimana jika ibu, bibi, dan anakmu kelak dizinahi orang lain, maukah engkau hal itu terjadi?”
Tentu saja pemuda itu menjawab tidak bersedia jika ada perempuan dalam anggota keluarganya yang dizinahi oleh orang lain.
Dari kisah tersebut semestinya setiap muslim bisa mengambil pelajaran untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang kita sendiri pun tidak ingin orang lain lakukan hal itu pada diri dan keluarga kita!
Demikian pula jika ingin melakukan perselingkuhan dalam rumah tangga.
Dengan semakin canggihnya teknologi, begitu banyaknya aplikasi chatroom,
seorang suami semestinya berpikir ribuan kali jika ingin mengkhianati kepercayaan istrinya dengan melakukan perselingkuhan.
Salah satu yang perlu diingat adalah anak gadis yang dimiliki, relakah jika di kemudian hari anak gadis Anda yang telah menikah malah diselingkuhi oleh suaminya?
Jika tidak rela, maka pikirkanlah bahwa ayah mertua Anda pun tak rela jika Anda menyakiti perasaan putrinya dengan berselingkuh bersama wanita lain!
Sungguh hari kiamat belum akan datang hingga perzinaan merajalela hingga ke jalan-jalan.
Maka lindungilah diri dan keluarga kita dari ancaman siksa neraka dengan cara menjauhi zina, termasuk menghindari perselingkuhan dalam rumah tangga!
Besides small group health insurance, individual health insurance is available to people who currently do not receive coverage through an employer or federal programs like Medicaid or Medicare. This type of insurance differs from a group plan in that the premiums are entirely paid by the individual. Therefore, the plans can be much more expensive for an individual compared to being insured under an employer policy.
Metal tier Individual health insurance premium Small group health insurance premium
Bronze $465 $527
Silver $648 $644
Gold $774 $762
Platinum $914 $967
In this study, we have decided to use an employer-to-employee contribution ratio of 70%. This is an industry average and means that an employer would be responsible for paying 70% of the monthly premiums, while employees would pay the remaining 30%. This is represented in the graph as the light blue (employer) and blue (employee) columns.
Average Health Insurance Premiums by Metal Tier
Employees pay 195% more for an individual policy in NY's five largest counties.
Differences between small group and individual health insurance premiums have even larger gaps in some of the most populated areas of New York State. On average, monthly health insurance premiums were 13.12% more expensive in small group plans when compared to a marketplace policy. For this analysis, we used the five largest counties based upon population size which were the Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens and Suffolk.
Average Health Insurance Premiums by Metal Tier (5 Counties)
Although the small group policies in aggregate are more expensive in these highly populated areas of the state, the difference in premiums for the employee is narrower. On average, a person would pay 195% or $532 more for an individual policy compared to their monthly premium portion for small group health insurance.
Great employee benefit programs can attract the best talent.
Depending on the size of the organization, small-business owners may be required to offer employees a health insurance option. In 2019, the ACA currently does not have the individual mandate, but the employer mandate is still in place. This ruling requires employers with 50 or more full-time-equivalent (FTE) employees to offer minimum essential coverage or face a fine. However, if there are less than this number of employees, an employer is not required to offer health insurance coverage. But it can be smart to still include coverage for a variety of reasons.
Offering health insurance to employees can greatly improve your business. According to the Harvard Business Review, in their survey of the "Most Desirable Employee Benefits", over 88% of respondents said better health, dental and vision insurance is a consideration they make before accepting a job. Thus, employers may find that a potential candidate for a position would decide not to join a company if a health benefit plan is not included. This could negatively affect profits and bottom line, as companies won't be hiring the best workers.
Complete Rankings of Counties in New York and Their Average Group and Individual Premium Costs
State Individual premium county rank Individual premium Small group premium county rank Small group premium
Albany 31 $703.79 46 $640.45
Allegany 49 $601.58 38 $650.74
Bronx 11 $801.89 1 $930.11
Broome 19 $751.11 16 $716.43
Cattaraugus 49 $601.58 38 $650.74
Cayuga 32 $703.25 16 $716.43
Chautauqua 49 $601.58 38 $650.74
Chemung 36 $699.34 16 $716.43
Chenango 25 $709.30 27 $685.13
Clinton 16 $790.82 25 $704.72
Columbia 42 $695.93 55 $640.40
Cortland 32 $703.25 16 $716.43
Delaware 6 $832.52 10 $829.16
Dutchess 3 $896.60 10 $829.16
Erie 52 $594.46 38 $650.74
Essex 17 $771.60 25 $704.72
Franklin 25 $709.30 27 $685.13
Fulton 29 $705.74 46 $640.45
Genesee 54 $590.19 38 $650.74
Greene 42 $695.93 55 $640.40
Hamilton 25 $709.30 27 $685.13
Herkimer 21 $720.49 27 $685.13
Jefferson 38 $698.55 27 $685.13
Kings 11 $801.89 1 $930.11
Lewis 41 $696.96 27 $685.13
Livingston 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
Madison 25 $709.30 27 $685.13
Monroe 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
Montgomery 24 $715.07 46 $640.45
Nassau 9 $817.98 8 $833.14
New York 11 $801.89 1 $930.11
Niagara 52 $594.46 38 $650.74
Oneida 30 $705.52 27 $685.13
Onondaga 35 $700.88 16 $716.43
Ontario 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
Orange 3 $896.60 10 $829.16
Orleans 54 $590.19 38 $650.74
Oswego 38 $698.55 27 $685.13
Otsego 18 $757.66 27 $685.13
Putnam 1 $897.55 10 $829.16
Queens 11 $801.89 1 $930.11
Rensselaer 42 $695.93 46 $640.45
Richmond 11 $801.89 1 $930.11
Rockland 7 $820.99 1 $930.11
Saratoga 42 $695.93 46 $640.45
Schenectady 42 $695.93 46 $640.45
Schoharie 22 $720.18 46 $640.45
Schuyler 36 $699.34 16 $716.43
Seneca 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
St. Lawrence 38 $698.55 27 $685.13
Steuben 32 $703.25 16 $716.43
Suffolk 9 $817.98 8 $833.14
Sullivan 1 $897.55 10 $829.16
Tioga 23 $716.19 16 $716.43
Tompkins 20 $720.73 16 $716.43
Ulster 3 $896.60 10 $829.16
Warren 42 $695.93 46 $640.45
Washington 42 $695.93 46 $640.45
Wayne 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
Westchester 7 $820.99 1 $930.11
Wyoming 54 $590.19 38 $650.74
Yates 57 $552.47 57 $565.89
Show All Rows
ValuePenguin, in conjunction with Wellthie, compiled health insurance plans and quotes from both the small group and individual health insurance marketplace in New York. Wellthie is an online small group benefits marketplace that allows business owners to connect with carriers and brokers to find a benefit program that works best for their business. This allows Wellthie to have an in-depth knowledge of the industry and provide some of the most detailed quotes available.
Quotes and plans were pulled for the 2019 plan year for a single individual and then averaged depending on the metal tier of coverage. For all employer-employee contribution calculations, an industry standard of a 70% contribution from the employer was used. In calculating the largest counties in New York, we used Census Intercensal County Population Data to determine which were the most populated.